"the play's the thing"
3GT artists are creating both onstage and off

COVID 19 & 3GT
Starting in October 2021, 3GT intends to perform our work in-person again! However, please note that attendance numbers will be limited for the safety of all of our patrons, artists and staff . As we navigate changes in local city, county, state, and national policies for public gatherings, we will keep our preventative practices and protocols posted here. We'll also post videos of performances and related content, whenever possible, on our social media pages (including our YouTube channel). Despite the challenges, you can be sure that 3Girls Theatre is committed to keep developing, promoting, and presenting women’s voices in 2021 and beyond.

LezWritesBTQ Digital Salon
On Zoom November 10, 2021
LezWritesBTQ Cohorts Reading #1
Phoenix Theatre, November 13, 2021
Salon Series: Ev'ryday Family
Phoenix Theatre, November 14, 2021
LezWritesBTQ Cohort Reading #2
Phoenix Theatre, November 20, 2021
Salon Series: Violette
Phoenix Theatre, December 12, 2021
Salon Series: Neptune/Salus
On Zoom January 9, 2022
LezWritesBTQ Digital Salon
On Zoom May 18, 2022
3GT Investigates: Town Hall
Public Zoom Event
POSTPONED- New Date will be announced here, so please check back here for the latest details!
Sarai Smith-Mazariegos, Executive Director, S.H.A.D.E Movement & Co-Founder of MISSSEY
Dr. Jennifer B. Lyle, PhD, MSW, Executive Director, MISSSEY, Inc.
Holly Joshi, Director of Racial Justice and Systems Change, Bright Research Group
LezWritesBTQ 2020 Cohort Showcase
At the Phoenix Theatre San Francisco
LezWritesBTQ presents our writers from the 2020 Cohort who have continued to continued to work with 3GT Supporting Artists on their scripts throughout the Pandemic.