For your ears only!
2020 was a tough year for theatre-makers. We couldn’t perform our work for you onstage, but 3GT’s artists refused to be defeated! In honor of the company’s 2021 Tenth Anniversary, we collaborated on a unique project in lockdown: the first ever 3Girls Theatre Radio Play. Written “for your ears only” by a team of 3GT playwrights, and brought to air by a crew of talented audio artists, The Sins & Secrets of Tabard Lake is a "serial pandemic noir" that will definitely have you wondering whodunnit. That is, if you can stop laughing long enough!
1 Dead on Arrival
In the middle of COVID, six actors arrive at an isolated luxury mountain resort to rehearse a new script with playwright Allyce Singer. But before they can get started, things take a deadly turn.
4 The Girl Who Knew Too Much
The sin is envy and our wrathful stage manager is high on the list of suspects for Allyce's murder . So, could there be a better time for a roomful of ham-inclined actors to dive into a script built around a séance, an artist who only recently escaped a sanatorium and, well, a goose? Warning: there will be accents.
7 Bait and Switch
Saturday night at Tabard Lake Lodge. As the Company mounts the final scene in outer space, "pride goeth before a fall". . . literally. Champagne flows, music plays, the whole gang is on its worst behavior----and Chauncy's still hiding behind the bar. Whodunnit, already?!
8C Get a Clue!
Whodunnit behind door number 3 is the question in Episode 8c “Get a Clue” from LezWritesBTQ. Midnight hot tub assignations, claims it was the cook in the library or a maid with a screwdriver hanging out at the beehives get their moment, as does the parsing of the sexual innuendo inherent in the term "free spirit". Hot tip: would a chickens bear witness if fowl play was involved?
2 No Second Chances
In episode 2, an angry pilgrim, a lusty wench and a bunch of iambic pentameter walk into a bar … err, we mean an olde English tavern …what could possibly go wrong?
3 Out of Sight Out of Mind
Wherein our intrepid gumshoe monitors the action from a secret room hidden behind a one-way mirror in the bar, and the investigation takes an unexpected supernatural turn. But not before Chauncy shakes up a pair of old school Gimlets ( half London Dry Gin, half Rose's lime juice) to toast Phillip Marlowe with Nolan, the strangely familiar Director.
5 The Persistence of Memory
Tempers run high when scene 4 exposes Freddy's fevered, voracious sexual past for all to see. Did his gluttonous behavior plant the seeds for Allyce's demise? Simone's allergies blow up as Chauncy's investigation continues.
6 Knife in the Back
After a late night polishing off a bottle of single malt with Nolan , Chauncy ponders the sin of sloth. Meanwhile delusional back-stage antics and daggers-out bitchery reach a tipping point as the company rehearses scene 5. And what up with all those crazy accents?
8A No Shit, Sherlock!
Whoddunit you ask? Welcome to Episode 8a, aka No Shit Sherlock, wherein the dilemma is solved via the kind of sleuthing one normally would pair with smoking a pipe and doffing a deerstalker cap, aka, thanks 3GT Investigates! Hot tip: Four olives in a martini or full-fathom five does thy Allyce lie?
8B The Tabard Lake Reality Show
Whoddunit again you ask? Flashbacks and judgment abound reality show style in Episode 8b supplied by GirlWrights. So, yes, there will be gossip! Will a certain slothful star or a prideful performer get the attention they so desperately crave? Hot tip: would you read the writing on the wall that said your career was washed up or would you want to write a different kind of script?
Sins & Secrets Video Channel
Check out exclusive 3GT Radio Play development content as we create and explore Tabard Lake!

Sins & Secrets

The Sins & Secrets of Tabard Lake
It’s May 2020, the year of COVID. SF Private Eye Chauncy is social distancing at home in SF when a long-term client zooms in with a tempting assignment.
The set-up: Playwright Allyce Singer is hosting an invitation-only theatre workshop for her new play-in-progress at Tabard Lake, a luxury property isolated deep in the high Sierras.
The catch: Each of the six guests is guilty of a long ago "sin" against Allyce. Now the playwright wants her revenge and she's written a script that points fingers at everyone.
The mission: Chauncy's supposed to quietly get the goods on everyone, so Allyce can settle the score. Sounds like easy money for a gumshoe, with a fancy all-expenses-paid vacay out of lockdown thrown in to boot.
But nothing goes according to plan. Once the company is completely cut off from civilization, all bets are off. Murder, mayhem.--and hilarity!--
ensue. Deep secrets from the past leak out to haunt the present. Everyone has a tall tale to tell, and no one can be trusted. Whodunnit ?
Created by AJ Baker
Directed by Pamela Hollings
Writers: AJ Baker (Head Writer), Emma Attwood, Linda Ayres-Frederick, Lee Brady, Cat Brooks, Gabriela Brown, Madeleine Butler, Marie Cartier, Tina D'Elia, Isabella Echavarri, Elizabeth Flanagan, Sierra Gonzalez, Pamela Hollings, Julia Jackson, Susan Jackson, Mercilee Jenkins, Alexis Standridge, Katie Tandy, Eteya Trinidad
Cast: Zoe Chien, Federico Edwards, Fenner, Anna Marie Luera, Louis Parnell, Mary Powelson, Lawrence Radecker, Jocelyn Truitt
Production: Associate Producer: Zach Kopciak; Sound Engineer: Jules Indelicato; Production Manager: Mary Powelson; Graphic Designer: Deb Harrison; SFX: Eliana Vela; Credits Narrator: Tina D'Elia; Executive Producer: AJ Baker
Music: Original music composed by Nick Chang and performed by Thrown-out Bones (Nick Chang, Sam Miller & Liliana Urbain)
Marketing: Hannah Meyer; Liam Passmore (PR)
This podcast was recorded under a SAG-AFTRA Collective Bargaining Agreement.